Theatrum Mundi’s Designing Respect challenge: Deadline Extended
The current in Theatrum Mundi’s series of Designing Politics design challenges is underway in Rio de Janeiro, asking ‘why is respect in such short supply when the city is imagined as a place where everyone shares respect across difference?’ Teams of residents, artists, activists, architects, performers, and others are invited to identify a space or a social relationship in Rio de Janeiro that, for them, produces a condition of disrespect in the city, and have an extra two weeks to submit their designs for an intervention to transform it.
The new deadline for entries to the challenge is 23:59 (BRT) on 7th September. Download the brief and further information here. Ten entries highlighted by an expert jury and peer review will be exhibited in October at Rio’s Museum of Tomorrow.
Listen Back: Tania Bruguera and Saskia Sassen In Conversation
Meanwhile, in London, Theatrum Mundi and the South London Gallery co-hosted a conversation between one of Cuba’s most outspoken artist-activists and the pre-eminent scholar of urban migration, to address issues of power, protest, and the global street. The discussion spoke to the heart of Theatrum Mundi, in creating a platform for urbanism and artistic practice to come into dialogue over the politics of urban culture, as well as the aims of Designing Politics, which asks how design thinking can address political challenges such as respect, free speech, and the commons.
Listen back to a podcast of the event here.