Designing Respect Exhibition
4–23 October 2016
Venue: Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro
Theatrum Mundi, based at LSE Cities, in collaboration with People’s Palace Projects and Museum of Tomorrow, is proud to present the 2016 edition of the global ideas competition Designing Politics, set this year in Rio de Janeiro.
Designing Politics aims to test the potential and the limits of design in addressing critical issues of urban politics and culture in different cities around the world. Following previous challenges held in New York and London. This year’s brief focused on RESPECT in Rio. The theme explores whether respect can become politicised in an era of heightened inequality, racial and class violence, and of territorial stigmatisation.
11 winning projects were chosen by peer vote and are being highlighted at the exhibition RESPECT at the Museum of Tomorrow/Museu do Amanhã. All 62 submissions can be viewed on the online gallery. For more details, visit
Designing Politics publication
TM is also launching a collection of thought pieces written by the Designing Politics Working Group. Contributions respond to the question: What are the limits of design in addressing the political and/or when has design not been enough? The publication can be downloaded here. Contributors include Richard Sennett, Adam Greenfield and Adam Kaasa, and others.