Thursday 24 April 10.30am – 12.00pm
Research Centre Meeting Suite, 9th Floor LSE Tower 2
With the arrival of LED and ‘smart’ technologies, lighting has become an increasingly important area of interest and concern for planners, architects and designers. Debates around urban illumination are driven by the global narrative of the ‘sustainable city’, but also specific aesthetic motifs, issues around safety and security as well as light pollution. Despite this centrality, light is relatively invisible as a topic in various discussions in urban studies.
This panel discussion introduces light and lighting design to contemporary themes and concerns in urban planning for a 21st century metropolis, by placing it into the context of the City of London.
It is chaired by Ricky Burdett and will host major figures within urban planning, design and architecture: Peter Rees, Head Planner of the City of London, Eric Parry, Architect (Eric Parry Architects) and Keith Bradshaw, Principal (Speirs+Major).
This event is free and open to the public but will be kept deliberately small to encourage focused conversation. To book a place please click here.