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Erasure and displacement: urban memoryscapes workshop

Urban Memoryscapes Workshop Series: Upcoming Event
Date and Time: Tuesday 16 June 2015, 10.00-15.00
Venue: Room 9.04, Research Centre Meeting Suite, 9th Floor of Tower 2, St Clements Inn, London, WC2A 2AZ

This workshop will focus on the presence and absence of the past in urban landscapes, and the ways in which these pasts are made visible in the present. Cities are simultaneously spaces of continual flux and re-writing, and spaces laden with memory and its traces. Processes of displacement and the erasure of memory play out in multiple ways: via forced removal, traumatic displacement, natural disasters, as well as bureaucratic processes of planning, eviction, demolition and re-making. How and to what purpose might traces of these pasts be made visible in the contemporary landscape, and how do people claim memory and ownership over remembered landscapes and places? How can we understand the tensions between the future-orientated city as a space of change and growth, and the city as a space characterised by subsumed and sedimented layers of memory?

Rosa Ainley, Department of Architecture, Royal College of Art
Katharina Fink, Institute of African Studies, University of Bayreuth
Adelita Husni-Bey, Artist and Researcher
Felipe Lanuza Rilling, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Yair Wallach, Department of Languages and Cultures of the Near Middle East, SOAS

Naomi Roux, LSE Cities, London School of Economics and Political Science

The ‘Erasure and Displacement’ workshop takes place directly after, and thematically linked to, the exhibition Double Vision hosted by LSE Cities. The workshop is free and open to all but booking is essential through Eventbrite here.

For further information please contact the organiser, Naomi Roux at


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