95% of cities believe green policies will benefit economy.
Despite the global recession, a new report from LSE Cities shows widespread optimism concerning green economic development.
The survey report, Going Green: How cities are leading the next economy, launches today at the Rio+20 Summit. It shows the extent to which cities have successfully integrated green policies since the last United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 1992.
While all 53 cities surveyed aspired to be “green”, with 95% reporting that they believed green policies would benefit the economy, and 75% reporting they were willing to invest in new green technology to drive change, the findings show that there is still work to be done. While cities expect going green to bring positive economic impacts including growth, job creation, inward investment, innovation, entrepreneurship and attracting skilled workers, only 20% of cities have developed a co-ordinated strategy for ‘green growth’.
The research also found cities believe that environmental problems are deeply intertwined with the most critical challenges facing them, such as road congestion and lack of affordable housing. Despite these challenges, cities still believe that substantial progress has been made in achieving green objectives – particularly relating to recycling, green space and water pollution.
You can watch LSE Cities’ Executive Director, Philipp Rode, launching the report here.
Download the full report: Going Green: How cities are leading the next economy [pdf].