Governing Urban Futures - Data

The information on the following pages summarises some of the research that is currently being developed by LSE Cities as part of its urban governance workstream. It brings together data and evidence from the Urban Age research programme and LSE Cities’ recently launched ‘New Urban Governance’ project, supported by the MacArthur Foundation. It provides a global overview of contemporary urban development and illustrates critical urban governance dynamics cutting across the differences in urban settlement patterns, urban governance geographies and governance indicators. More detailed city-specific analysis is presented for four case study cities which, over the last decades, have been particularly relevant cases for understanding institutional arrangements and change at the city and metropolitan level. These case study cities are Delhi, Tokyo, London and Bogotá, and the analysis cuts across the cities’ systems of government, their urban expansion and the evolution of their administrative areas, and the governance of their transport infrastructures.


Research team
Philipp Rode, Executive Director
Alexandra Gomes, Research Officer
Priya Shankar, Research Officer
Madeleine Lee, Researcher
Francis Moss, Information Designer
Catarina Heeckt, Researcher
Nuno da Cruz, Research Fellow
Roxana Slavcheva, Researcher
Jens Kandt, Researcher
Shriya Malhotra, Research Assistant
Shabana Shiraz, Research Assistant
Sofia Garcia, Research Assistant
Research support and partners
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
UN Habitat, Local Government and Decentralisation Unit
United Cities and Local Governments
National Institute of Urban Affairs

We would especially like to thank the following organisations for their assistance in obtaining the key data used for analysis in the following pages.

  • Central Road Research Institute, India
  • Centre for Policy Research
  • German Aerospace Centre: Earth Observation Centre
  • Indian Institute of Human Settlements
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
  • Japan Local Government Centre
  • Mori Foundation
  • Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure
  • Planning & Engineering Centre, India
  • World Bank